Hearing Aids

How Hearing Aid Technology Works

Hearing aids have come a long way since their inception. Today’s sleek models can be virtually invisible, making them a discreet way to remedy a hearing issue and a much more practical option than the cumbersome hearing aids of the past. Other designs can be configured for direct wireless connection to mobile phones and may […]

Hearing Aid Myths Exposed

Sometimes we love to mislead ourselves by believing what we want to believe or believing what others tell us to believe.  As Dr. H. Gustav Mueller once said, “You have to hear what you don’t want to hear to know what you don’t want to hear.”  For example, did you know that Thomas Edison didn’t […]

Hearing Aids Through History: From Ear Trumpets from Cutting Edge Technology

The evolution of hearing aids in history is a story that stretches from the 17th century ear trumpet to the modern day microprocessor. One constant, from the Industrial Revolution to the Internet generation, is the ability of hearing aid manufacturers to adapt emerging technology into their devices. Technological triumphs of the likes of Alexander Graham […]

The True Cost of Hearing Aids

The value of hearing aids, like many other products, is comprised of more than just the initial purchase price of the hearing aid itself. Choosing a premium quality hearing aid is a smart investment for numerous reasons. The components used in the manufacturing of top-quality hearing aids help provide you with a better quality of life […]

the future of hearing aids

The Future of Hearing Aids

Modern hearing aids are sophisticated devices that go beyond simple amplification of sound. Sophisticated sound processing may be employed to help the user separate the sounds that are desired from extraneous sounds that interfere with hearing and attending to the sounds of intertest.  Manufacturers are continuing to design and improve innovative features for hearing devices […]

Jerry's hearing aid story

Patient Spotlight: Jerry’s Journey to Better Hearing

Hearing is a critical part of being able to function in everyday life. Even when one’s hearing problem isn’t yet obvious, that person’s quality of life can be negatively affected. We need hearing for many activities and it’s not something that many of our patients recognize until they begin having difficulty hearing. Our patient Jerry […]

hearing loss treatment helps alzheimers patients

How Hearing Loss Treatment Can Help Alzheimer’s Patients

It is common to perceive hearing loss as something that simply and naturally happens as we grow older. However, this perception is a common excuse that keeps many from seeking treatment even when the treatment is guaranteed to improve their quality of life. Hearing loss is often a progressive condition that can be difficult to […]

hearing aid technology and you

Wellness and Hearing Aid Technology

As with everything technology oriented in our world today, the hearing aid industry is growing in leaps and bounds. In fact, recent advances in hearing aid products for those who suffer from mild to medium hearing loss has brought us a new class of modern ear-based hearing aid devices that offer consumers access to state-of-the-art technology with […]

hearing aids and mobile phone regulations have made using your phone easier

Modern Hearing Aids & Your Phone

Many people who experience hearing loss are concerned over how it will affect their ability to use their mobile phone. It’s a natural concern, especially since wireless devices are such an important part of modern life. Thankfully, because of government regulations and dynamic solutions from hearing aid and wireless device manufacturers, the two devices can […]

elderly couple with hearing aids

Men and Women Tend to Avoid Getting Hearing Aids Promptly

A common category of hearing loss is Age Related Hearing Loss (ARHL) that worsens over time. While men tend to have greater hearing loss than women of similar age (Ritgers et al 2018), women and men with similar self-perception of hearing difficulty tend to accept hearing aids as treatment at a similar rate (Fisher et […]

hearing aid care and cleaning

How to Properly Care for Your Hearing Aid

According to the Consumer Report’s Best Hearing Aid Buying Guide (2021), Most hearing aids are subject to moisture and wax buildup that may clog the output of the hearing aid. In fact, wax, skin oil and debris may clog not only the output of the hearing aid but interfere with the microphone pick up and […]

Person holding invisible hearing aid

Invisible Hearing Aids

If you’re dissatisfied with the size of your current hearing aid, or if concerns about large hearing aids have discouraged you from getting one at all, you may want to ask your hearing specialist about getting an invisible hearing aid. Are Invisible hearing aids truly invisible? The category Invisible In Canal (IIC) hearing aids includes a […]

Hearing Aids and Brain Waves

Although it may sound like science-fiction, researchers have had success using brainwaves and artificial intelligence to essentially determine what voice a listener is focused on and amplify that sound. This is a huge development because, while undamaged human ears perform this activity naturally, people dealing with hearing loss have long had difficulty singling out specific […]

Tips for Selecting the Best Hearing Aid for You

Today’s hearing aids are more powerful than ever, and they’re also more customizable. Relying on microprocessor and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology, today’s hearing aids are smaller, lighter and more discreet than ever before, plus they offer a wealth of adjustable and optional features that can ensure your hearing experience is tuned to your specific needs […]

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